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This Book Is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don’t Touch It
David Wong
Unicorn Western: Full Saga (Books 1-9)
Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant

Children of Paranoia

Children of Paranoia - Trevor Shane

I thought this book would be fantastic and original - unfortunately I was wrong. Had the book been written in a different tense, from a different perspective, it could have been more exciting instead of dull. I found I did not really care for the characters or what happened to them, and there is no real explanation provided for anything, ever.

License to Ensorcell

License to Ensorcell - Katharine Kerr I quite liked this book which is a bit of a fresh take on the genre - but if it hadn't been recommended by Seanan McGuire I likely never would have purchased it due to the fact that it possibly has one of the worst titles in the history of titles.

Ready Player One

Ready Player One - Ernest Cline I had high hopes for this book - and it was a fun read, parts of it were awesome, other parts were a little too YA for my taste. This is not meant to be a YA book, so why part of the storyline is quite YA I'm not sure, perhaps a lack or faith in writing skill and emotional depth. If you grew up in the 80's and were a bit of a geek, you will certainly enjoy this book at a minimum for it's nostalgia, if you grew up in the 80's and are still a bit of a geek you will enjoy the nostalgia and the modern gaming geekiness. If you were born in the 80's then not only do I feel sorry for you, but unless for some reason you are a die-hard 80's music, movies and games aficionado, most of the references (and the main point of the storyline) will go over your head. So basically, if you are currently between 34-45 and are a geek you'll probably enjoy this but it won't change your life.

The Reapers Are the Angels

The Reapers Are the Angels - Alden Bell Definitely the best book I've read in a while - this guy has a way with words.

What the Night Knows: A Novel

What the Night Knows - Dean Koontz I liked the first 320 pages of the book, but it felt like it was about 100 pages too short, the end/resolution comes too quick and too easily.

Dare to Be Square Quilting: A Block-by-Block Guide to Making Patchwork and Quilts

Dare to Be Square Quilting: A Block-by-Block Guide to Making Patchwork and Quilts - Boo Davis My new favourite, finally patterns that are not grandma-boring!


Pariah - Bob Fingerman A fresh take on a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world, but ultimately this is really like a long short story with no explanation and no resolution.

John Dies at the End

John Dies at the End  - David Wong The title of the book is better than what's inside, this book needed major editing to cut out tons of meandering crappy scenes.

Alpha (Shifters Book 6)

Alpha - Rachel Vincent A pretty satisfying end to a series. It's nice when an author doesn't drag a series out as a cash cow, however I do think this series easily could have had another book or two.

Infected: A Novel

Infected  - Scott Sigler This is one of those books where you should prepare yourself for an unsatisfying ending because the book continues on in a sequel. What there is in this first volume is a good read that's not for the weak of stomach. An original twist on bodysnatchers.

Feed (Newsflesh, Book 1)

Feed - Mira Grant A fresh take on a post-apocalyptic world with zombies. I hate when I read something and go 'oh man why didn't I think of that?' The book is well-written and I actually cried at the end, though the end isn't really the end, as this is the first of a supposed trilogy.

Saint City Sinners (Dante Valentine, Book 4)

Saint City Sinners (Dante Valentine, Book 4) - Lilith Saintcrow Hmm, a few repetitive annoyances, most annoying is that it ends basically in the middle of a sentence, just because it's a series doesn't mean that you don't have to wrap up the main plotlines somewhat. (2010-26)

The Passage: A Novel

The Passage - Justin Cronin Best book I've read in a long time. Read it if you enjoy unpretentious fiction, read it if you enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction. Just read it already damn you! (2010-25)

Shadow Man

Shadow Man - Cody McFadyen A fantastic face-paced thriller, will definitely look for the next one by this author.

Under the Dome

Under the Dome - Stephen King Some great characters and some great storylines, ultimately wasted in this anticlimactic tome.

Patient Zero: A Joe Ledger Novel

Patient Zero: A Joe Ledger Novel - Jonathan Maberry A gripping, fun read. I enjoyed Maberry's Pine Deep trilogy, but this book surpasses that and I look forward to reading Joe Ledger and his team again.